5 Questions to Ask to Determine if You Need a CFO

Do you need to hire a full or part-time CFO? Many business owners struggle to answer this question correctly. Sometimes, you're not even sure which questions to ask, and yet, not hiring one (or not knowing how to go about hiring one) can cost you – and your business.
A CFO is a strategist; they look at the bigger picture. He or she is a key member of the CEO’s executive team, and they make sure that the systems, processes, and people are in place to produce accurate financial information so that the company's owner can make better decisions.
This guide will give you five key questions to ask yourself if it’s time to hire a CFO. They’re not complicated questions, but if you’re wondering what the right decision is, answering them can help you determine the best direction for your company.
There’s no one-size-fits-all answer as to when you should hire a fractional CFO for your company. But, answering these five questions honestly can help you understand what you need – and when you need it.
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